Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I have a recurring dream: I'm on a plane and I know it is about to crash. The feeling of foreboding is palpable; I can actually feel the sense of shock and fear in the plane because everyone on board anticipates a collision.

It is usually on top of a large body of water and we're going down laterally at a steady pace. Eventually the plane touches the water and I see a flash of light before the incineration. Of course I don't feel a thing in the dream but I do manage to wake up.

So.....what the fuck does this mean? I do travel a lot, I have been traveling over water (Pacific Ocean) to go to Pakistan and Qatar.

I wonder how the countless hundreds felt right before the inevitable crash of an airplane - the sense that these are your last moments on earth and you will die a pretty horrible albeit fast death.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Great deception demands greater embellishment.
Yet you drink ocean water to quench that thirst-
Why must you dissolve all that truth with salt?
Knowing that salt poisons the body and soul
and no amount of ocean water will cleanse that thirst.

There is great comfort found with illusions
lest you approach a body
that is beyond good and evil.

-inspired by Nietzche