Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Buyer's Remorse

Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari? Meh.

Buyer's Remorse, Part Deux.

Vanishing, unto the hillside
away from the whispers.
He ascended with burden
a weight of an entire people.
A scepter clenched in one hand
and a promise with another.

The sweetness of a soft pillow
under the backdrop of jagged rocks.
The lust of youthful exuberance
amidst the scorching thorns.
The allure of the earthly riches
in the absence of the azure soul.

Hours became weeks,
weeks became months.
The vermilion rays wilted
the comfort of the night seduced.
Honor wisped away in the sandstorm
pride took its place in the lull.
Mothers left the teat to the flame
charity broke into aggrandized song.

He descended into barren streams
his own blood filled the channel.
"Look we carved Him into Stone!
Gold no Less," they shouted.
Rejoice! Pride! Greed! Lust!
Yet the gold stood so defiant
a symbol of divine transcendence!
Lest the chosen man and woman
caress themselves in reckless abandon.

His scepter melted in the cold,
his manuscript torn asunder.
A promised land soon begotten
its slow ascent to decaying wealth.
He left, scepter and manuscript in pieces
left his people feigning childlike chastity-
As they, too, fell under the weight of themselves
and cast aside the scepter and manuscript.

Oh, woe to ye, who forgets.
No amount of gold will redeem you-
from your own transgressions.
Those who forget fade away -
into oblivion.