Watch it.Too bad they don't make movies like they used to.
posted by Sarem at 5:13 AM
bohaaaaaaaaaat pehlay deki thi
why does this blog does not allow anonymous comments? huh? huh? punkkkki wanna leave anonymous commentssssssssssssssssssssssss
rofl how do I change it so its anonymous?! HOW?!
oh.... well i was afraid that people are going to get confused and say what is wrong with this post, coz i usually write prose, and you have to admit that it is not a properly structured poem anyway. So, i apologized in the beginning :) SOrry :-S
No need to apologize! Your style is uniquely yours and I believe it made a lasting impression on a lot of people! You write really well!=)Thing is, personally, I like abstraction almost to the point of obsession because of the ocean of possibilities you can frame from it!
urghhhh typo galoreeeeeeeeeeeeeei dunno how to change to anon settings, its in your blog manager somewhere hmpff
online toh milo tum, punkkkkkk :(
I'm afraid of the internet!p.s. qt
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bohaaaaaaaaaat pehlay deki thi
why does this blog does not allow anonymous comments? huh? huh? punkkkk
i wanna leave anonymous commentssssssssssssssssssssssss
rofl how do I change it so its anonymous?! HOW?!
oh.... well i was afraid that people are going to get confused and say what is wrong with this post, coz i usually write prose, and you have to admit that it is not a properly structured poem anyway. So, i apologized in the beginning :)
SOrry :-S
No need to apologize! Your style is uniquely yours and I believe it made a lasting impression on a lot of people! You write really well!
Thing is, personally, I like abstraction almost to the point of obsession because of the ocean of possibilities you can frame from it!
urghhhh typo galoreeeeeeeeeeeeee
i dunno how to change to anon settings, its in your blog manager somewhere hmpff
online toh milo tum, punkkkkkk :(
I'm afraid of the internet!
p.s. qt
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