I Absolve Thee!
They embraced the trojan stallion with arms wide open.
"Father, I have a confession to make."
(hands tighten, sweat pours)
"I killed my wife."
(the choir bursts forth)
"I abused her all this time."
(the child was innocent)
"Cheated on her fidelity."
(forehead glistens)
"Took advantage of her--"
(muscles tear vermillion)
"but she never looked more beautiful
(a thousand angels die)
"lying dead in her own pool of blood."
(vermillion like the purest)
Floating, crucifix as if to sacrifice
your radiant, pristine existence
to the very people you loved
the same who want you dead.
Slippery, tight and wet.
No that isn't the pussy
of a newly wed wanting
to give her virginity away.
That is your finger on
the trigger - as you point
the heavy, formidable .45
to the temple of your head.
The trojan stallion written in retrospect.