American Beauty.
Ricky: I was filming this dead bird.
Angela: Why?
Ricky: Because it's beautiful.
On a side note; I miss my family.
Ricky: I was filming this dead bird.
Angela: Why?
Ricky: Because it's beautiful.
On a side note; I miss my family.
Perhaps I was a tad unclear before, but just so that I can put this into perspective of what I mean.
I feel there is always some sort of opposite, opposing ideal to every facet in life. Whether it might be the miniscule physical properties of compressed particles; or be it the institution of marriage. This is what I liken to balance. By this logic, one can conclude that as society progresses in both intellect, reason and nature. By the former defintion; our moral values (family or otherwise) and our fundamental principles regress by the same factor.
This phenemenon is what I like to call systematic desentisization. We continue to draw allowances to perspectives which in stagnant situations would have been impossible to fathom.
That is why it is so easy to be caught up in subjective, emotionalism - in which a person confuses logic with religion, destiny with fate, freedom with oppression, right from left, compassion with malice.
Of course this doesn't happen at the individual level. No. There must be some sort of condoning or acceptance in large numbers- whether it be APATHY or IGNORANCE. That alone ignites this domino affect, where individual thought is subjugated into collective thought where it is easier to integrate beliefs (this is where you and I are deemed USELESS).
And here is why collectivism is dangerous. I'm sure all of you are familar with the Ahmedabad riots in India. I want to actually focus my thoughts into a single man - Hindu by faith - a kind and gentle hearted individual who had a wife and three kids. Yet, infused with a collectivism that we call "Mob", he alone brutally raped and killed five Muslim women. Forget the fact that he wrote a powerful repentance piece a few years later when his morality caught up with him, the simple fact of the matter is that societal forces compelled a simple family man to commit vicious actions which in ordinary, "stagnant" circumstances would even be inconceivable.
The society we live is not a violent mob that lasts for days. Owing to its complexity in nature, it is the undertow of our perception of thoughts. It has always relied on the mob-type theology, but this sort of collectivism isn't as drastically obvious as the violent ones. Nor is it as brief. It has lasted for centuries and has relied on the masses to be frightfully ignorant and/or embracers. (Surah Cow anyone?)
Of course this is all symbolic. The man to me represents our collective apathy/indifference/"shrug" to issues which perturb us. We are a vast mob of sheeps who graze on the fields of deceptive optimism, self-imposed acceptance and pre-conceived idealism. There isn't, and there won't be a shepherd (like the ones before us) to lead us out of this carefree abandon.
Til then, we continue to graze.
First thing is first, I hate blogging. I enjoy reading other people's blogs, but I don't particularily revel in writing. Whatever small input you do see is largely the intrinsic need for me to observe the appalling outlets of society/man/event or something that compells emotion - sentimental or egregious. That observation is translated into motivation to write. If continiuity were to abhold its definition, then the general tone of this blog will be just that: continuous bullshit.
A young girl, perhaps just shy of six, had her interest piqued at a valentine balloon that lay largely ignored in the corner of the shop (Radioshack in case you are wondering). I couldn't help but noticing how fixated this young girl had become at such a miniscule object; moreso because of how minute it was in scale with the numerous items that adults love to browse around. It wasn't long before she prompted to ask her mother this:
-Mom, is that how real hearts are? (points in the direction of the balloon)
-No sweety they aren't.
Clearly perturbed by this answer she tugs her mom's shirt harder.
-What is it sweety?
-Why are they like that? (referring to the "heart-shaped" balloon)
-Because they are meant to look pretty.
I don't know if it was the nonchalance of the clearly idiotic mom, or perhaps it was the bewildered, confused look of a highly intelligent girl; but I was intensely nonplussed at this. No, not exactly nonplussed - but more accurately, distressed. It brings me to deep compassion and empathy when I see children express thoughts which are so pure, so unadulterated, so simple and so pristine. There wasn't a shred of any sort of bias or inclination. It was a perception without blemish; a child's observation that a heart-shaped balloon wasn't a reflection of reality. The response of her mother; the unequivocal, absolute nature of it, obviously distressed the girl. She was perhaps in pursuit of absolution then the shallow conclusion she had to contend with.
You may wonder why such a trivial, abrupt event compelled me to right all this bullshit. It wasn't the fucking balloon, nor was it the mom. Rather it was the response of the girl to a sudden lose of clarity. Heart - not real? Why - doesn't matter, looks pretty doesn't it? Wait, what about what is factual and what is farcical? The heart pleases the external stimuli, why care?
Two things: we as a collective society have lost our clarity of thought. Second, we have been largely apathetic to grave realities due to a phenemenon I liken to systematic desenstisization.
We embrace ideals which are more appealing to our stimuli without having the courage to embrace the reality of those ideals.
The recent dilemma which is plagueing American thought (of course notice how events on a far broader scale have gone unnoticed) is the Schiavo Case. One school of thought is advocating pro-life, the other is soldiering the "Right-to-Die". Its absolutely shameful to call myself a human being and I'm using this event (mind you there are billions of other isolated events, but since this one dominates the airwaves, I have used this for simplicities sake) to illustrate how corrupted our inner thoughts have become with pre-conceived notions and ideals which can be terminated with compassionate objectivity.
The same side (GOP conservative side) which strongly supports the Death Penalty and the obstructionistic, sovereign Foreign Agenda (in which human life holds no precedent over power under banners of fear of oppression) is suddenly voicing how life is divine and sacred. These are the same lobbiest who condone the horrific military expansionism that kills numbers of innocents.
The other side (so called liberal Democrats) which vehemently voiced out the flaws of judicial and federal courts in aims of curbing the Death Penalty, are strongly supporting the right for Terry to die; citing that the counter-argument is not consistent with the judicial laws that are in place in Florida.
Hypocrisy much?
This of course is a reflection of how human beings perceive issues by in large. They are dissolved into disconnected thoughts and flawed logic. From the calamity of the Iraqi War, to the forgotten plights of the victims of the Tsunami; from the hunger afflicted by an innocent child in the middle of Africa, to the food you and I waste every night because we throw a "hissy fit".
Which brings me to my second and final point: who gives a fuck? I mean, lets for argument's sake assume that whatever is happening in the world has a remote effect on a clear-minded invididual. What is the outcome? After a few troubled nights, the apathy of progressive society dictates that we are to forget about it and move on.
Based on simple laws of Physics; every action must have an equal and opposite action. The progression of society demands a regression in fundamentals of man into a bewilderend, unintelligle flock of sheep.
What makes us so impotent? Is it lack of passion, lack of leadership, a shortened attention span?
Why do fucking Indian movies have more of an affect on people then real life adversities?
I normally don't find a liking to Indian films. Truth be told, the last film I took a liking to was "Agnipath" and that was in the 80s. However, SWADES is a film that really impressed me; moreso because it wasn't exaggerated like most indian movies tend to be. What was also very refreshing was the fact that it had a compelling message, addressed the caste system head-on, and had one of the most natural acting I've seen for a long time.
And yes, it did help that one of the most gorgeous females I've seen played the lead role. Mind you, I seem to overdiscriminate most of the time, but in this case this has to be said. Gayatri Joshi represents true beauty the way I see it; simplistic and tradionationally oriented. Its a shame progressive societies denegrate ideals which have been adopted for centuries.
If you are the conversative right wing talk show host; you'd blame it on liberals.
Just like a stone immersing in water; creating a perfect synergy of ripples; the avenues of possibilites spread out with blogs. I liken it to mindless self indulgence; yet just as the water becomes submissive to the collision of a small rock, one cannot help but surrender themselves to the forces and allow creativity and individuality to resonate.
I would extend a request for anyone who stumbles upon this to link up whatever they can so I can follow suit (provided someone teaches me).